Trademark Tips To Improve Fort Collins Residential Communities
One of the hallmarks of Fort Collins property manager David Rand and what he has integrated into the recently opened Trademark Property Management Group has been his innovative and effective approach in helping HOAs better foster and improve their residential communities. With the summer rapidly approaching – try and forget about last week’s snowstorm – there is no better time than the present for HOAs to improve community relations than through implementing some or all the following “Trademark Recipes” for HOA success.

Hold a Summer BBQ or other Annual Social Events
What better time than right now to hold a meet and greet / get better acquainted gathering of residents than right around Memorial Day weekend? A “Welcome to Summer” BBQ will allow many residents and their families to reconnect or just meet one another, which will only boost residential morale and loyalties. From there, HOA boards can hold other social events like a Halloween party or trip to the Fort Collins Farmer’s Market. The options really are limitless and residents should feel free to get creative with event planning.
Start up a Community Newsletter
This may sound like a heavy commitment that requires a lot of legwork on the surface, but it does not have to be this way. A quarterly newsletter is more than sufficient. For instance, with the summer approaching, residents could recap their favorite summer moments and vacations in a fall newsletter. The newsletter could also provide various tips on everything from landscaping to cooking, as well as any other insightful announcements residents would like to make. A community newsletter will only allow residents to better connect with one another and stay up to date with what is happening in their residential community.
Grow a Community Garden
Not many things better develop and instill greater pride than developing something as a team. Why not a community garden? It’s an educational and fun undertaking that yield fruitful results, which can be eaten at a social event or donated to a local shelter. Talk about a win-win.
Experience the “Trademark Recipe” for Success
With over 40 years of property management experience, Trademark Property Management Group brings an innovative and personalized, results-driven approach to Fort Collins property management. Trademark offers a full bevy of property management services that includes Commercial, HOA and Residential management services. Contact Trademark today and find out more about the “Trademark Recipe” for Northern Colorado success.