Trademark Adds Harmony Cottages to its Clientele
Forging and developing relationships within the community are arguably two of the biggest reasons why David Rand and John Stamatakos began their foray into the property management company industry some time ago.
With a combined 40 years of experience between the two, it is easy to understand why it did not take long for their Fort Collins property management company, Trademark Property Management Group, to quickly get off the ground since it opened its doors in February of this year.

Rand and Stamatakos’ creation recently gained even greater traction with the acquisition of Harmony Cottages as one of Trademark’s newest Fort Collins Property Management clients.
Harmony Cottages is not just a new Fort Collins housing development, it is a very significant and important development. Located at the southeast intersection of Harmony Road and Taft Hill Road, Harmony Cottages is set to become the largest Habitat for Humanity development in Fort Collins’ history.
Over the next five years, 48 energy-efficient homes will be built for an approximate estimate of 144 people which include 86 children and 58 adults. Further details and video about Harmony Cottages can be found on its website.
“It’s just a very exciting and cutting-edge project,” said Rand, CEO and Managing Broker of Trademark Property Group. “It’s just extremely exciting for our company to be a part of this development project because nothing but good will come from it.”
Experience the “Trademark Recipe” for Success
Though in business for less than a year, Trademark has already established itself as a major player in the Fort Collins property management industry. Rand and his team at Trademark Property Management Group place great importance on not just hiring and retaining a credentialed staff, but in providing the most credible services to Northern Colorado property owners. Whether you are in need of Commercial, HOA and Residential management services, Trademark has the team in place to help your investment reach its potential. Contact Trademark today and find out more about the “Trademark Recipe” for Northern Colorado success.